Climate risk
Spring 2019 - Autumn 2020
In 2019, I was fortunate to join a project, led by Prof. Nigel Arnell and Dr. Alison L Kay identifying and estimating climate risk indicators for the UK.
The project has identified several indicators relevant to climate risks:
Health and well-being indicators.
Energy indicators.
Transport indicators.
Agri-climate indicators.
Drought indicator.
Wildfire indicators.
Water indicators.
We are working with The Met Office UK Climate Projections (UKCP). The new UKCP18 projections combine results from the most plausible climate models at 60km, 25km, 12km and even 1km grid resolution over the country. In our study, we applied the UKCP18 changes in climate to the observed 1981-2010 baseline climatology (Met Office, 2018) to produce a series of projections of future climate, and we calculated our climate risk indicators.
Climate Projections (ukcp18)
Multisectoral climate risk indicators​ (heatwaves, energy indicators, risks to agriculture, water supply, transport)
ArcGIS (10.4, 10.5 and Pro versions), QGIS/Python active user
Setting up and managing ArcMap projects
Managing broad variety of data formats (netcdf, kml, shp, .txt, .csv, excel, paper notes etc.)
Data cleaning, interpolation, integration, analysis, visualisation